Senior Thesis

Students who have an exemplary record in their coursework may pursue the thesis option for the senior exit requirement.

Developing a thesis proposal

Students who wish to pursue a thesis should first consult with a faculty member about appropriate topics, ideally well before the end of their junior year. In consultation with this faculty advisor, they should then develop a thesis proposal, which meets the following guidelines:

  • is 2-3 pages
  • addresses the subject of the proposed research
  • explains the methods that will be used
  • predicts the results that are expected to be obtained
The proposal should be as specific as possible, and should be reviewed by the faculty advisor before being submitted.

Submitting a thesis proposal 

Students should next contact the Undergraduate Advisor ( to obtain the Thesis Proposal Form. They should ask their proposed faculty advisor to sign this form. It is due, along with the thesis proposal and unofficial transcript, three quarters in advance of the student's proposed graduation date. The full application should be submitted to the Undergraduate Advisor by email no later than 5 pm on the Friday of the sixth full week of instruction of that quarter.

The application is then reviewed by the department. If approved, a second faculty reader is selected at that time. The Thesis Proposal Form is signed by the second reader and the Chair, and a copy is given to the Undergraduate Advisor for placement in the student's file.

Enrolling in an independent study

In quarters in which they are working on their thesis, students usually enroll in an independent study (LING 195: Senior Thesis). They must enroll in at least one quarter of LING 195.

Submitting the completed thesis

The completed thesis must be submitted to their faculty advisor by the end of the sixth week of the student’s final quarter. The faculty advisor and second reader review it, and then bring it to the faculty for final discussion. If approved, the faculty advisor completes and signs the Thesis Evaluation Form. Once signed by the second reader and Undergraduate Program Director, it is filed by the Undergraduate Advisor in the student’s file.