Labs and Other Research Groups

Text from McHenry Library Special Collections

Equity in Linguistics (EquiL)

EquiL is a graduate student working group at UC Santa Cruz dedicated to fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion in our department and field, across three main areas: the grad-internal department community, the UCSC linguistics department community (grads, faculty, and undergrads), and the larger community, broadly construed (e.g. the field, public outreach). The group meets regularly throughout the academic year to develop and carry out projects and events within the department that aim to invite a space for discussing equity and inclusion as it intersects with our departmental community as instructors, students, researchers, scientists, and linguists.

Language, Logic, and Cognition Lab (LaLoCo) - on hiatus

The overarching goal of LaLoCo is to establish and solidify connections between (i) detailed, formally sophisticated linguistic theories—formal semantics theories in particular—and (ii) modern methods of data analysis and cognitive models of learning and processing abstract, highly structured representations of the kind deployed in formal semantics and generative linguistics more broadly.

Laryngeal Articulation and Voice Quality (Larynx Time III) - on hiatus

This group will be reading work on laryngeal articulation and acoustic correlates of voice quality and phonation types.

Morphology Reading Group (MRG)

MRG is an informal forum in which a variety of morphological topics, chosen by the group members, are read about and discussed.

Phonology/Phonetics Lunch (Phlunch)

Phlunch combines readings on topics selected by students and faculty with informal presentations of work in progress.

Semantics, Pragmatics and LAnguage Philosophy (SPLAP)

SPLAP! is a reading and discussion group devoted to consideration of all aspects of linguistic meaning—exploring theoretical, empirical, and experimental approaches to the semantics and pragmatics of natural language, drawing on traditions as intertwined as linguistics and logic, and as distinct as philosophy and psychology.

Syntax and Semantics Circle (S-Circle)

S-Circle provides a forum in which graduate students, faculty, and visitors can present and discuss research in the areas of syntax, semantics, and their interconnections in an informal setting.


Syntax, Semantics, and Language Processing Lab (s/lab)

s/lab is a weekly lab meeting in psycholinguistics convened by graduate students. Participants - including faculty, grads, and undergrads - present their ongoing research, and discuss new or classic research articles in language processing and experimental linguistics. Its special focus is on syntactic and semantic processing.