Faculty Collaboration
The faculty in Linguistics at UCSC are well-known for their varied and sustained research collaborations. The graph below illustrates the existing collaborations on published research. Each vertex (circle) represents a faculty member, and each edge (line) represents a case of a coauthored publication involving the two faculty members that it links. Gray circles represent emeriti faculty.

Key: JA = Judith Aissen, PA = Pranav Anand, RB = Ryan Bennet, AB = Adrian Brasoveanu, SC = Sandra Chung, DF = Donka Farkas, JH = Jorge Hankamer, JI = Junko Ito, WL = William Ladusaw, JL = Jess Law, JM = Jim McCloskey, GM = Grant McGuire, AM = Armin Mester, JP = Jaye Padgett, GP = Geoff Pullum, AR = Amanda Rysling, IS = Ivy Sichel, MT = Maziar Toosarvandani, MW = Matt Wagers, RW = Rachel Walker.
Thus there is a line between GP and WL because Geoff Pullum and Bill Ladusaw are co-authors of Phonetic Symbol Guide, and WL is linked to JM and SC because there is a joint paper by Chung, Ladusaw, and McCloskey (1995, Natural Language Semantics 3: 239-282), and so on.