Getting Advice and Guidance
If you want to get the most from your academic program, it is crucial that you learn to use the advising resources available to you—both within the department and at UCSC more broadly. It is up to you to use the resources that are available.
If you are a prospective major in linguistics or language studies, your first step should be to meet with a peer advisor, or the Undergraduate Advisor, to create an academic plan. Once you have qualified for the major, you should attend one of the declaration information sessions for information on major requirements and departmental policies.
If you are a current major in linguistics or language studies, the Undergraduate Advisor is your best source of information and advice about the logistics of satisfying the requirements for the major. Linguistics faculty are your best source for advice about intellectual matters and about how to prepare for graduate school and beyond.

Undergraduate Advisor
(241 Stevenson)
Undergraduate Advisor
The Undergraduate Advisor can advise you about requirements for the majors, about prerequisites, and about many other aspects of your academic progress. During the academic year, there are regular drop-in office hours available:
If none of the drop-in office hours work for you, email the Undergraduate Advisor for an appointment.
Remote advising is available by email or ZOOM (video-conferencing) during regular drop-in hours, or by appointment. Please email to set up an appointment.
Zoom link:
Please see the current drop-in advising schedule for in-person advising hours. The Undergraduate Advisor’s office is in the Stevenson Academic Building, Room 241. Please wear a mask for in-person meetings. If you prefer to meet without a mask, please choose a Zoom meeting.
See Student Health Center site for COVID protocol:
You should feel free to meet with any faculty member for advising, but it may make sense to speak with the Undergraduate Advisor first, to find out which faculty member might be best placed to advise you about your interests or concerns.
In particular, if you are considering the option of a senior thesis, it is essential to speak with a faculty member as early as possible in the process, to get guidance and to begin developing your ideas. You can find the current office hours for all faculty members in the faculty directory.
For issues specifically related to the undergraduate program, you can turn to the Undergraduate Program Director.
Peer Advisors

During the academic year, the department has a peer advising program to provide an additional advising resource for undergraduate majors. The Peer Advisors are advanced students in the two majors who volunteer their time and expertise to provide guidance and advice to other students.
Peer Advisors do not have signature authority on forms (i.e., Declaration of Major Petitions and study abroad planning forms). Students must see the Undergraduate Advisor for any forms requiring a department signature.
We encourage any prospective and current linguistics or language studies majors to stop by during the Peer Advisors' office hours if they have questions about either field of study.
Remote advising is available by email or ZOOM (video-conferencing) during regular drop-in hours.
Please see the current drop-in advising schedule for in-person advising hours. The peer advisor office is in the Stevenson Academic Building, Room 245. Please wear a mask for in-person meetings. If you prefer to meet without a mask, please choose a Zoom meeting.
See Student Health Center site for COVID protocol:
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