Department Colloquia

These are in-person events. For accessibility issues, please contact Maria Zimmer

Fall 2023

Friday, October 13
Room: HUM 1 - 210
Ryan Bennett, UCSC
Title: Vowel deletion as grammatically-controlled gestural overlap in Uspanteko

Friday, October 27 @  1:20pm
Room: HUM 1 - 210
Yael Sharvit, UC Los Angeles
Title: Assessing two theories of clausal complementation

Winter 2024

Thursday, February 1 @ 11:40am
Room: HUM 1 - 210
Cynthia Yoonjeong Lee, University of Michigan
Title and Abstract

Tuesday, February 6 @ 11:40am
Room: HUM 1 - 210
Drew McLaughlin, Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language
Title and Abstract

Thursday, February 8 @ 11:40am
Room: HUM 1 - 210
Andrea Beltrama, University of Pennsylvania
Title and Abstract

Tuesday, February 13 @ 11:40am
Room: HUM 1 - 210
Anthony Yacovone, Tufts University/Massachusetts General Hospital
Title and Abstract

Tuesday, February 20 @ 11:40am
Room: HUM 1 - 210
Caroline Andrews, University of Zurich
Title and Abstract

Thursday, February 22 @ 11:40am
Room: HUM 1 - 210
Jed Pizarro-Guevara, University of Massachusetts
Title and Abstract

Tuesday, February 27 @ 11:40am
Room: HUM 1 - 210
Dustin Chacón, University of Georgia
Title and Abstract

Spring 2024

Friday, April 5 @1:20pm -- CANCELLED
Room: HUM 1 - 210
Karlos Arregi, University of Chicago
Title and Abstract

Friday, May 24 @ 1:20pm -- CANCELLED
Room: HUM 1 - 210
Draga Zec, Cornell University
Title and Abstract