Syntax & Semantics at Santa Cruz (SASC)
Syntax & Semantics at Santa Cruz (SASC) publishes working papers by students, faculty, and visitors in the Department of Linguistics on syntax, semantics, and allied fields. Originally founded in 1992 as Syntax at Santa Cruz, the series was restarted in 2020 with Volume IV. A new volume is planned for each subsequent year.
All volumes are available for free online on UC's eScholarship platform. Print copies can also be purchased at cost (via the links below). Any questions about the series can be directed to the editors by email at:

Volume I (1992)
Edited by H. Andrew Black & James McCloskey
- Comitative Coordination using Quantifiers in Quiegolani Zapotec
Cheryl A. Black - South American Verb Second Phenomena: Evidence from Shipibo
H. Andrew Black - Clausal Structure and the Modern Irish Copula
Cathal Doherty - Movement of P0 in the English Verb-Particle Construction
Peter Svenonius

Volume II (1993)
Edited by Geoffrey K. Pullum & Eric Potsdam
- Negative Concord with Obligatory Fronting in Zapotec
Cheryl A. Black - A Crude Test for Unaccusativity in English?
James McCloskey - Wh-agreement in Abaza
Brian O'Herin - Agreement in Nahuat
Peter Svenonius - The Role of Prosody in Right Node Raising
Kari Swingle

Volume III (2001)
Edited by Séamas Mac Bhloscaidh
- Wh-movement out of the Site of VP Ellipsis
Tamara Schuyler - Three Kinds of Transderivational Constraint
Chris Potts - Focus-Related Word Order Variation without the NSR: A Prosody-Based Crosslinguistic Analysis
Daniel Büring & Rodrigo Gutiérrez-Bravo - The Morphosyntax of Definiteness in Danish
Jorge Hankamer & Line Mikkelsen - A Two-Tiered Approach to Binding-Domain Formation: Evidence from Czech
Anne Marie Sturgeon - Phases, Case, and Accessibility: The Case of Extraction from DP in Spanish
Rodrigo Gutiérrez-Bravo - Relative Clauses in Syrian Arabic: Two Reconstruction Problems
James Darrow

Volume IV (2020)
Edited by Andrew A. Hedding & Morwenna Hoeks
- Free Inversion in Modern Hebrew
Netta Ben-Meir - Incremental Interpretation and Dynamic Semantics
Adrian Brasoveanu & Jakub Dotlačil - Pseudoclefts and Parameters in the Pacific
Dan Brodkin - Can Selection Explain Stranding? Revisiting a Structural Asymmetry
Andrew A. Hedding - The Roots of It All: Affectedness across Lexical Categories
Tom Roberts - Pronouns and Attraction in Sierra Zapotec
Ivy Sichel & Maziar Toosarvandani

Volume V (2022)
Edited by Lalitha Balachandran & John Duff
- Are Constraints on Partially Overlapping Reference Just Condition B?
Vishal Arvindam & Andrew A. Hedding - Perception Verb Complements in Mandar
Dan Brodkin - Redundancy and Restriction in the Derivation of Relative Clauses
John Duff, Ivy Sichel & Maziar Toosarvandani - The Effect of RC Type on Agreement Production
Sage Meadows