Phonology at Santa Cruz (PASC)
Phonology at Santa Cruz, Volume 2
Armin Mester and Scarlett Robbins (eds.)
1991 vii, 116 pp. Paper [no ISBN number]
- "The Optimal Iambic Foot and Reduplication in Axininca Campa" by H. Andrew Black
- "Munster Irish Stress" by Cathal Doherty
- "Issues in Thai Template Phonology: Word Chains and Word Reversal" by David Duryea
- "Multiplanar Reduplication: Evidence from Sesotho" by Louise McNally
- "Secondary Articulations and Feature Geometry" by Brian O'Herin
- "Lexicalized Metrical Foot Structure in Maidu" by Scarlett Robbins
Phonology at Santa Cruz, Volume 4: Papers on Stress, Accent, and Alignment
Rachel Walker, Ove Lorentz, and Haruo Kubozono (eds.)
1995 iv, 102 pp. Paper [no ISBN number]
- "Loanword Accent and Minimal Reranking in Japanese" by Motoko Katayama
- "Alignment Constraints in French" by Ewan Klein
- "Constraint Interaction in Japanese Phonology: Evidence from Compound Accent" by Haruo Kubozono
- "Tonal Prominence and Alignment" by Ove Lorentz
- "An Alignment Solution to Bracketing Paradoxes" by Jason Merchant
- "For the Love of Trochees" by Ruben van de Vijver
- "Mongolian Stress: Typological Implications for Non-finality in Unbounded Systems" by Rachel Walker
Phonology at Santa Cruz, Volume 5
Rachel Walker, Motoko Katayama, and Daniel Karvonen (eds.)
1997 iv, 115 pp. Paper [no ISBN number]
- "Georgian Syllable Structure" by Ryan Bush
- "A Sympathetic Account of Nasal Substitution in Ponapean Reduplication" by Stuart Davis
- "Featural Sympathy: Feeding & Counterfeeding Interactions in Japanese" by Junko Itô and Armin Mester
- "Sympathy, Opacity, and U-umlaut in Icelandic" by Daniel Karvonen and Adam Sherman
- "The Markedness of Voiced Geminates in Japanese" by Motoko Katayama
- "Sympathetic Devoicing and continuancy in Catalan" by Jason Merchant
- "Perceptual Distance of Contrast: Vowel Height and Nasality" by Jaye Padgett
- "Feet Dependent on Heads: Morphological and Prosodic Dominance" by Anthi Revithiadou
- "On Sympathetic Correspondence" by Nathan Sanders
- "Faith and Markedness in Esimbi Feature Transfer" by Rachel Walker
Phonology at Santa Cruz, Volume 6
Adam Ussishkin, Dylan Herrick, Kazutaka Kurisu, and Nathan Sanders (eds.)
1999 96 pp. Paper [no ISBN number]
Available at:
- "Georgian Yes-No Question Intonation" by Ryan Bush
- "Syllabification in Khalka Mongolian and Output-Output Correspondence" by Ryuji Harada
- "Catalan Cluster Simplification and Nasal Place Assimilation" by Dylan Herric
- "Lexical Classes in Japanese: A reply to Rice" by Junko Ito, Armin Mester, and Jaye Padgett
- "Infixal Nominal Reduplication in Manarayi" by Kazutaka Kurisu and Nathan Sanders
- "Relational Markedness in Bantu Vowel Height Harmony" by Jason Riggle
- "Head Dominance in Modern Hebrew Prosodic Morphology" by Adam Ussishkin
- "Turkish Emphatic Reduplication" by Andrew Wedel
Phonology at Santa Cruz, Volume 7
Aaron Kaplan and David Teeple, Editors
Available at:
- Kaplan, Abby: If *NT and *ND Got in a Fight, Who Would Win? Ranking Paradoxes and English Postnasal Stop Deletion, 2007
- Kaplan, Aaron F.: The Syllable as Contour Tone Host, 2007
- Kirchner, Jessica: Cleaning Up the Scraps: A New Look at Kwak'wala m'u:t Reduplication, 2007
- Kramer, Ruth: Nonconcatenative Morphology in Coptic, 2007
- Lunden, Anya: Why Syllable Weight Seems to Work Differently at the Right Edge, and Why It Really Works the Same, 2007
- Ní Chiosáin, Máire; Padgett, Jaye: Contrast, Comparison Sets, and the Perceptual Space, 2007
- Teeple, David: Intra-Paradigmatic Contrast in Arabic Verbal Morphology, 2007
- Van Allen, Ember: True Output Theory: The Phonetics and Phonology of Low Vowel Lengthening in Hungarian, 2007
- Harada, Ryuji: Syllabification in Khalka Mongolian and Output-Output Correspondence, 1999
- Herrick, Dylan: Catalan Cluster Simplification and Nasal Place Assimilation, 1999
- Ito, Junko; Mester, Armin; Padgett, Jaye: Lexical Classes in Japanese: A reply to Rice, 1999
- Kurisu, Kazutaka; Sanders, Nathan: Infixal Nominal Reduplication in Mangarayi, 1999
- Ussishkin, Adam: Head Dominance in Modern Hebrew Prosodic Morphology, 1999
- Wedel, Andrew: Turkish Emphatic Reduplication, 1999