Undergraduate Research Fellows in Linguistics and Language Sciences (URFLLS)
Recent URFLLS Research Projects
Voice memory for indexical and lexical information
Grant McGuire
Voice analysis coding
Grant McGuire
Sentence processing study
Matt Wagers
Bias and language with LLMs
Pranav Anand
A'ingae Nasals Project
Ryan Bennett
Subjectivity judgment task
Pranav Anand and Amanda Rysling
Experimental syntax and islands
Ivy Sichel and Matt Wagers
Dismissive markers in English
Jess Law
The Undergraduate Research Fellows in Linguistics and Language Science (URFLLS) program provides students with hands-on research experience. Students in the program enroll in LING 149 (Research Skills in Linguistics) in winter quarter to learn about research questions and methods, as well as gain a range of technical experience. Students participate in the Humanities EXPLORE program during the spring quarter, alongside other undergraduate researchers working on faculty projects in the division.
Applications to the program are typically due in late October each year. An information session is held early in the fall term regarding eligibility and the application process.
Contact the Undergaduate Coordinator (ling@ucsc.edu) for more information about the URFLLS program.