Language Studies Minor Requirements

Language Studies minors must satisfy course requirements in languages and linguistics, and complete elective coursework in linguistics and/or the cultural context of the language of concentration.

Language Studies minors have to satisfy the following 2 requirements:

  • Language Coursework Requirement
  • Linguistics and Cultural Context Coursework Requirement,

Language Coursework Requirement


Language studies minors must achieve a level equivalent to six quarters in the language of concentration.


One advanced language course after level 6 is required for students in all language concentrations.

Linguistics and Cultural Context Coursework Requirement

The Language Studies Minor requires a minimum of 5 unique courses beyond the Language Coursework described above, consisting of 1 lower-division course (LING 50) and 4 upper-division courses.

1 Lower-Division Course

  • LING 50 Introduction to Linguistics

2 Named Upper-Division Courses

  • LING 100 Phonetics 1
  • LING 112 Syntax I, *or* LING 111 Syntactic Structures

2 Further Elective Upper-Division Courses

The minor requires two upper-division elective courses in linguistics or the cultural context of the language of concentration. 

Linguistics elective courses include any upper-division course offered by the Linguistics Department (except LING 100, LING 111, and LING 112). 

Cultural context courses are to be selected from among those approved by the department and include disciplines such as literature, history, and politics. These elective cultural context courses are related to the language of concentration. A complete list of approved context electives is available in the UCSC General Catalog, organized by language of concentration.

List of Approved Context Electives in the Upcoming Quarter

Further advanced (upper-division) courses in the language of concentration may also be used as electives for the minor.

There are a total of five upper-division courses (25 units) required for the Language Studies minor. There is no senior exit requirement for the minor.

See Also