MA Alumni
Netta Ben-Meir
Thesis: The Prosodic Structure of Construct State Nominals in Modern Hebrew
Duygu Demiray
Thesis: Processing Covert Dependencies: A Study on Turkish Wh-in-situ
Tuffs, David
Thesis: The Distribution and Identity of Bare Indefinites in San Martín Peras Mixtec
Delaney Gomez-Jackson
Thesis: Questions and Indefinites in Santiago Laxopa Zapotec
Allison Nguyen
Thesis: Unifying Embedded and Unembedded Rising Declaratives Via Strategy
Claire Miller Willahan
Thesis: How Unexpected: Exploring the Effect of Phonological Features on Perception of Sound Errors
Taijing Xiao
Thesis: On Mandarin Argument Reversal
Elifnur Ulusoy
Thesis: Connectivity and Case Effects in Agreement Attraction: The Case of Turkish
Anelia Kudin
Thesis: Implicit Agents in Ukrainian: Evidence from Retrieval Interference in Sentence Processing
Dhyana Buckley
Thesis: The Persuasive Effects of Stylistic Variations in Restaurant Review Domain
Mansi Desai
Thesis: Polarity and Probing: Building Clauses in Gujarati
Lydia Werthen
Thesis: Interrogative Continuations: A Neglected Puzzle
Anissa Zaitsu
Thesis: Why make Sense of Silence? The Clausal Syntax of a Reduced Why-Question
Jeff Adler
Thesis: The Nature of Conspiracy: Implications for Parallel versus Serial Derivations
Lauren McGarry
Thesis: Pragmatic Conditions on Non-Polar Responses
Nate Clair
Thesis: Differential Object Marking in Spoken Persian: Towards an Enriched Typology
Ben Mericli
Thesis: Modeling Indirect Evidence
Chelsea Miller
Thesis: Limited, Syntactic Reactivation in Noun Phrase Ellipsis
Scarlett Clothier-Goldschmidt
Thesis: The Distribution and Processing of Referential Expressions: Evidence from English and Chamorro
Clara Sherley-Appel
Thesis: Discontinuous Affixation in the Syntax
Peter Fabian
Thesis: Iambic-Trochaic Reversal in Cusco Quechua
Brianna Kaufman
Thesis: Learning an Unproductive Process: Turkish Emphatic Reduplication
Sara Cantor
Thesis: Ungrammatical Double-Island Sluicing as a Diagnostic of Left-Branch Positioning
Tommy Denby
Thesis: The Filtering Listener: Dispersion in exemplar theory
Ekaterina Kravtchenko
Thesis: Effects of contextual predictability on optimal subject omission in Russian
Adam Morgan
Thesis: Bridging the gap between production and judgment of English resumptive pronouns
Matthew Ong
Thesis: Strict and Sloppy Reflexives in VP-Ellipsis
Allan Schwade
Thesis: An Acoustic Investigation of the Interpretation of Russian Palatalized Consonants by American English Speakers
Taylor Bell
Thesis: The (In)visibility of Adjunction Hosts in Syntax
Kendra Buchanan
Thesis: Perspectives on Quantity-Sensitivity and Decomposed Scalar Constraints: A view from Hindi stress
Heather Mahan
Thesis: Approaching Any as a Universal Indefinite
Kevin Reschke
Thesis: POLITICAL-ADS: An annotated corpus for modeling event-level evaluativity
Angela Aiello
Thesis: A Phonetic Examination of California
Nico Feria
Thesis: Inverting as-Parentheticals
Nicholas LaCara
Thesis: Verbal Ellipsis in the Nominal Domain
Allison Day
Thesis: Nasalization of Voiced Obstruents in Japanese
Amanda Morris
Thesis: Polarity Ellipsis and Negative Stripping
Katrina Vahedi
Thesis: Participial Gapping: Evidence for Post-Syntactic Morphological Agreement
Matthew Barros
Thesis: Verbless Questions in Brazilian Portuguese
SueAnne (Gigi) Ying
Thesis: The Semantics and Pragmatics of `gauging' Questions
Tristan Davenport
Thesis: Alternations in Place & Laryngeality: Coda Conditions and Repair Strategies
Paul Jensen
Thesis: On 'Otagai'
Jessamy Norton-Ford
Thesis: Focus and Pitch Accent in English
Nicholas Reynolds
Thesis: Whatever and Free Choice: Beyond Episodicity
Paul Willis
Noah Constant
Thesis: English Rise-Fall-Rise: A study in the Semantics and Pragmatics of Intonation
Allison Largent
Thesis: A Phonological Analysis of Italian Preposizioni Articolate
Dan Roth
Thesis: Constraints on Lexicalization
Evynn Testa-Avila
Thesis: Relative Case Attraction in Ancient Greek
Ember Van Allen
Thesis: The Phonetics and Phonology of Low Vowel Lengthening in Hungarian
Marc Sciglimpaglia
Thesis: Historical Labial Weakening in Japanese
Laura Buhl
Thesis: Coreference, Bound Anaphora and Configurationality in Tagalog
Stuart La Rosa
Thesis: Cluster Simplification and sonorant alternations in Catalan
Randall Orr
Thesis: Phonetic Vowel Reduction in Danish
Adam Savel
Thesis: Free-Variation in Yiddish Hypocoristics
Alia Sperling
Thesis: The Syntax of Not-So-Free Relatives
Elena Innes
Thesis: Faithfulness in Russian Paradigms
Lindsay Jones
Thesis: Movement and Negation in Stripping Constructions
Khue Dinh Duong
Thesis: A Syntactic Account of Vietnamese Nominal Phrases Within the Framework of X-bar Theory and Linear Correspondence Axiom
Chelsea Strong
Thesis: Russian Stress Shift Within the Context of Realize Morpheme and Anti-Faithfulness
Sam Zoranovich
Thesis: The Phonotactics of Doctor Seuss's Nonsense Words
Matthew Chisholm
Thesis: Ellipsis in DP
Patrick Davidson
Thesis: Atemplatic Reduplication in Ojibwa
Andrew Dowd
Quinn Gray
Thesis: Language Transfer Effects on L2 Phonological Acquisition: L2 Perception and Production of Japanese Vowel Length Contrast
Afton Lewis
Thesis: A Minimal Syntax for Perception Verb Complements
Irena Polic
Thesis: Rethinking the Degree Phrase
Susan Wade
Suzanne Lyon
James Darrow
Thesis: Relative Clauses in Syrian Arabic: Two Reconstruction Problems
Tami Schuyler
Thesis: Wh-Movement out of the Site of VP Ellipsis
Bryndon LaFollette
Thesis: A Model of Tone Inventory Derivation
Naruemon Wannapaiboon
Thesis: Thai Relative Clauses: Evidence for (non) movement analysis
Sacha Arnold
Thesis: Existential Amount Relatives
Brian Lindsey
Thesis: Markedness and Optimality Theory in second language phonology
Jay Lloyd
Thesis: How Strict is Strict? Variation and Strict Ranking
Shira Nobles
Thesis: Possessive Dative in Hebrew: The centrality of SpecVP
Michael Roberts
Thesis: Information structure, proto-roles, and argument-inversion: an OT analysis
Emily Urban
Thesis: Influence of morphological categories on English place assimilation
Teal Bissell
Thesis: Further Evidence for Null Pronominal Variables
Davina Ramirez
Thesis: Proper names Reanalyzed: A Unified Syntactic-Semantic Analysis of Proper Names
Jason Riggle
Thesis: Relational Markedness in Bantu Vowel Harmony
Lotus Goldberg
Thesis: VP Ellipsis and Clause Structure in Modern Hebrew
Jaime Rodriguez
Thesis: Relativizing Weight to Stress: An OT Approach to Quantity Sensitivity
Jenny Almy
Thesis: Licensing Quantifiers: The W-alles Construction in German
Ken Bame
Thesis: Lexical Aspect and the English Progressive in a Generative Lexicon
Naomi Devlin
Thesis: Pronominal Anaphora and the Quantified Phrase
Peter Schult
Thesis: Suppression of the Marked and Emergence of the Unmarked: Reduplication in Attic Greek
Kathryn Zally
Thesis: Quantification at a Distance in French Subjects
Joe Eskenazi
Thesis: Bare Objects and the NP/DP Distinction
Chris Modee
Thesis: Output-Output Correspondence and Inside-Out Effects in Chamorro
Juliette Tanner
Thesis: An Examination of Word Borrowing in Japanese
Michael Bene
Thesis: A Feature Geometrical Approach to Vowel Coalescence
Lorraine Bryan
Thesis: Russian Focus Questions
Erin Duncan
Rachel Manaster
Thesis: Agr in DP (Evidence from Italian)
Mika Kizu
Thesis: Identification of NP Ellipsis in Japanese
Denis Nepveu
Thesis: Georgian and Bella Coola: Headless Syllables and Syllabic Obstruents
Selene Tsoi
Thesis: Cantonese Syllable Co-occurrence Restrictions in Optimality Theory
John Alderete
Thesis: Iteratives in Jamaican Creole
Kathleen Bedell Garcia
Thesis: Spanish Negation and the I Projection
Paula Iveland
Tobias Olney
Lucy Kuntz
Charles Wallace
David Duryea
Thesis: Issues in Thai Template Phonology: Word Chains and Word Reversal
Andrew Eatough
Drew Herman
Scarlett Robbins
Thesis: Metrical Foot Structure in Maidu
Mitzi Morris
Thesis: Swedish Nickname Formation